20 Jan 2022

Richards Bay, South Africa - Hull Cleaning

by Tony Edwards, Partner, Durban , Allan Heydorn, Partner, Richards Bay ,
Practice Area(s): Shipping & Logistics |

The Acting Harbour Master of the port of Richards Bay in South Africa has announced that hull cleaning is now permitted at Richards Bay.  

Hull cleaning may only take place at Berth 306, Berth 606 and the Repair Quay at the Small Craft Harbour.  Six local companies currently have permits for hull cleaning at Richards Bay. 

These are:

  1. OSC Marine
  2. Katlantic
  3. Ayigobi
  4. BM Global
  5. Maida
  6. Dudo Holdings

You may view the notice at https://www.wylie.co.za/LegalNotices.

For more information please contact Tony Edwards, Partner, at edwards@wylie.co.za or Allan Heydorn, Partner, at heydorn@wylie.co.za.

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