The Protection of Personal Information Act No.4 of 2013 (“POPIA”) is nearing its long-awaited implementation. POPIA has introduced 8 principles to govern the collection, use, storage, transfer, sharing and destruction of personal information. The Act applies to all South African businesses and the South African government.
The Act draws largely from the GDPR in the European Eunion and applies international best practice standards that will elevate South Africa’s data privacy protection to facilitate economic trade with nations sensitive about data privacy protection. Failure to comply with POPIA can result in reputational damage, loss of customers, litigation and a fine of up to R10 million or 10 years in jail. You need to understand the in’s and out’s of your data privacy obligations and how to implement the correct systems and processes to comply with POPIA and manage your data privacy risk.
Our expertise include inter alia:
Access to personal information
Cloud computing
Direct marketing
Documenting processing activities
Lawful sourcing of personal information
Minimal collection of personal information
Mitigating security breaches
Notification duty
POPI enforcement
POPI principles, rules of thumb and checklists
- Practical advice on how to interpret POPI and how to apply it in your organisation
Prior authorisation from the information regulator
Responsibilities regarding data quality
- Retention, restriction and destruction of personal information
Securing personal information
Special personal information and personal information of children
The information officer
The outsourcing of personal information processing (operators)
Trans-border flow of data
Transferring personal information across borders