Additional Tax Amendments: Business (General)
Hybrid debt instruments
Debt instrument subject to subordination agreement: An instrument may be regarded as a hybrid debt instrument in terms of section 8F of the Income Tax Act, subsequent to its issue, if that instrument becomes subject to a subordination agreement as a result of the issuer being in financial distress. This is because a subordination agreement suspends repayments until such a time as the borrower’s financial situation improves. It is proposed that a concession be made to exclude debt instruments subject to a subordination agreement from being regarded as section 8F hybrid debt instruments.
Asset-for-share transactions for natural persons employed by a company
Asset-for-share transactions do not trigger a capital-gains event when the transaction is between a person and a company, and the person either holds a qualifying interest in the company or is a natural person working full time for the company. In such transactions, the base cost of the asset rolls over from the person to the company. The qualifying conditions for such transfers were put in place to ensure that only substantial and long-term transfers of assets for shares benefit from the exemption, and to support the incorporation of professional service firms. However, because some taxpayers have indicated that the limits to the conditions are unclear, it is proposed that section 42 of the Income Tax Act be amended to set them out more clearly.
Avoidance schemes in respect of share disposals
One of the schemes used to avoid the tax consequences of share disposals involves the company buying back the shares from the seller and issuing new shares to the buyer. The seller receives payment in the form of dividends, which may be exempt from normal tax and dividends tax, and the amount paid by the buyer may qualify as contributed tax capital. Such a transaction is, in substance, a share sale that should be subject to tax. The wide-spread use of these arrangements merits a review to determine if additional countermeasures are required.
Tax implications of securities lending arrangements
In 2015, changes were made to the legislation to provide tax relief on the transfer of collateral in securities lending arrangements. As a result, there are no income tax and securities transfer tax implications if a listed share is transferred as collateral in a lending arrangement for a limited period of 12 months. Although the tax relief is welcomed, concerns have been raised that the 12-month limitation rule is too restrictive. It is proposed that a gradual approach to address these concerns be followed. In addition, the tax treatment of securities lending arrangements will be reviewed to take into account corporate actions during the term of the lending arrangement.
Refinement of third-party-backed share provisions
Pre-2012 legitimate transactions: In 2012, government introduced new rules to deal with avoidance concerns regarding transactions and arrangements that involve preference shares with dividend yields backed by third parties. These dividend yields, under the new rules, are treated as ordinary revenue. Because the rules may affect some legitimate transactions and arrangements, government will consider relaxing them in relation only to those entered into before 2012.
Addressing circumvention of anti-avoidance measures: Several schemes have been identified where investors structure their transactions to circumvent third-party anti-avoidance rules. These schemes include, for example, the formation of trust-holding mechanisms whereby investors acquire participation rights in trusts and the underlying investments of those trusts are preference shares. It is proposed that additional measures be considered to stop the circumvention of these anti-avoidance measures.
Mineral and petroleum resources royalties
The payment of mineral and petroleum resources royalties under the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty (Administration) Act (2008) largely follows the provisional tax scheme in the Fourth Schedule of the Income Tax Act. However, to improve payment automation, greater alignment with the Fourth Schedule is required, particularly with regard to interest and penalties. Amendments to this effect, as well as other technical corrections to the act, will be proposed.