27 Jun 2023


by Quintus van der Merwe, Partner, Durban , Sarah Snethlage, Associate, Cape Town ,
Practice Area(s): Shipping & Logistics |

The Department of Transport has published a notice inviting comments from stakeholders ahead of its plan to ratify the Convention on the Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended (“FAL convention”).

The purpose of the FAL convention is to reduce any unnecessary delays in maritime traffic, promote co-operation between Governments and ensure uniformity in formalities and shipping procedures. This will be achieved by doing away with the current approach where large amounts of manual paperwork relating to the ship, its crew and passengers, baggage, cargo and mail is required by various public authorities. The FAL convention replaces this approach with standardized documentation that is electronically exchanged; and creates uniform rules and guidelines for all member states’ ports.

Interested stakeholders will have 30 days from 23 June 2023 to submit written comments on the proposed ratification to the Department of Transport for the attention of the Chief Director Maritime Policy and Legislation, Private Bag X193, Pretoria, 0001; or email their comments to mpahlwaC@dot.gov.za and Matlalatm@dot.gov.za

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