26 Jan 2018

Mining Indaba 2018

by Siya Mkhize, Partner, Durban , Debbie Ntombela, Partner, Johannesburg ,

Debbie Ntombela, Head of Mining, Minerals & Energy Law and Siya Mkhize, Associate in the Environmental & Clean Energy Law department will be participating in the 2018 Mining Inadaba.

Tuesday 6 Feb 2018 -12:10 - 12:50 -   Stage B Sustainable Development Day - Case Study based Session:

Labour and Community Rights -Ensuring strategic stakeholder collaboration to achieve international standards - this session will be moderated by Siya Mkhize.

Wednesday 7 Feb 2018 - 09:15 - 10:05 - Stage B 

The Australia - Africa Session: Australia's key role in building a successful future for Africa's mining sector, this session will be moderated by Debbie Ntombela.


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