17 Jul 2020

URGENT NOTICE: Lebombo Border is Now Open

by Taryn Hunkin, Partner, Durban ,


SARS: Customs & Excise Website

Published 15 July 2020

SARS has just released a communication stating that the Lebombo border post will be closed following a positive Covid-19 case.

Trucks which have not yet arrived at the border are advised to make use of an alternative border post if possible – the closest border post is Mananga. Those making use of this option are reminded to ensure that their documentation is amended where necessary. Trucks currently at the border that are in the customs control area are being seen to with the assistance of the Mozambique authorities.

The border post will be reopened once a deep cleaning of all the offices has been carried out.

Updates regarding the reopening of the border post will be posted on the SARS website.

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