29 Mar 2022

Richards Bay Minerals - Suspension of dune mining operations at Richards Bay -Update

by Tony Edwards, Partner, Durban , Allan Heydorn, Partner, Richards Bay ,
Practice Area(s): Shipping & Logistics |

As previously reported, following acts of violence and the destruction of property at the Richards Bay Minerals (“RBM”, a subsidiary of Rio Tinto) plant close to Richards Bay, Rio Tinto declared force majeure at the end of June 2021.

Allan Heydorn of our Richards Bay office has reported that the security situation has now been stabilised and the force majeure declaration lifted.

As a consequence, RBM is again able to meet customers’ supply contracts with agreed volumes and timescales, and it is hoped that the measures which have been introduced will allow the status quo to prevail.

Should you have any queries or require any further information, please contact Allan on heydorn@wylie.co.za

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