11 Apr 2018

Richards Bay Floating Dock and Ship Repair

by Tony Edwards, Partner, Durban , Allan Heydorn, Partner, Richards Bay ,
Practice Area(s): Shipping & Logistics |

Local online trade newspaper Africa Ports & Ships Newsletter has today reported that the project to establish a ship repair facility including a floating dock at Richards Bay remains on track.

According to the report:

  1. a large floating dock is envisaged, to accommodate Capesize vessels, bulk carriers and tankers greater than 150,000 dwt - the port of Richards Bay handles the largest number of large (Capesize and over) ships of any port in South Africa;
  2. an infrastructure preparation project to create the conditions for a private operator to install and operate a floating dock through an open market approach has commenced and it is expected that a Request for Proposal will be issued towards the end of Q1 of the 2018 financial year (around about July);
  3. the Repair Quay at the Small Craft Harbour has been earmarked to accommodate the floating dock facility, which will require deepening of the berth and a makeover of the quay.

Transnet National Ports Authority, which manages South Africa’s eight commercial ports, has reported that the project progress for the pre-feasibility study is 90% complete and the overall project status is 23% with a forecast completion date of March 2022.

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